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Therapy at DivineSelfCare is based on a holistic approach between the mind, body and feeling / spirit.

  • The mind which is the judging mental part.
  • The body which is the experiencing part.
  • The feeling/emotion which is the one that feels the effect of how the other two are treated.

These three aspects work as one unit inside of us, but our mind is not governed by the information from the feeling or the body, the mind follows a system of rules that does not recognize the feeling or the body.

That is why our inner balances come out of step.

We look at how you judge yourself, how you feel about yourself and what is your relationship to your body.

From these three aspects we can then see where we are working towards ourselves inside ourselves. We create balance with you. As well as the understanding why one has ended up here and where we are going with the balance of self understanding.

Trauma is a significant source of body, mind and emotion imbalance. Many of these traumas come from quite young age where the consciousness is not at all self conscious of a Self.

For an infant, the experience is x 100 compared to how we see it as an adult. There one because adults have many aspects of consciousness that the child does not have.

And the child feels guilty, even though the experiences may not be theirs at all.

Our lifeline is built up like a spiral, yes a bit like an LP where 0 years starts in the middle.

Our lives are then seen from zero onwards in emotion.

While our vision and understanding are seen from now and towards 0 years.

So we have a feeling that needs to understand the mind, and a mind that needs to understand the feeling.

All this then creates a state in the body.

In Therapy at DivineSelfCare, we go in with you and help you to create understanding and cohesion between these aspects of your experience of being You.

All our treatments naturally begin with a conversation and take place with the utmost respect and genuine care for the individual/client so that the client’s healing process is not forced and his/her boundaries are also fully respected.

Namaste Om

In Divineselfcare we work with Kundalini.
Kundalini is our subtle life force energy, which is also connected with our median paths and our chakras. As many probably know, our organs are connected to chakras and to planets. All chakras are complementary; half masculine and half feminine except the heart, which is Zeropoint.

Masculine and feminine should be understood as aspects of consciousness and Not gender (man/ woman).
The body is by nature self-healing.
The temple we live in is a cosmic energetic consciousness that reflects itself into the world of forms. The body is both an earthly but also a cosmic organ.

So when we heal we loosen up on all these blockages that the client has, the energy following the intention.

So we are in touch with all three aspects when we heal and see these 3 aspects as one. So it can be altogether mental, emotional and physical healing.

Literally healing is to make whole.

Proximity and genuine care to be and to feel good enough to be oneself is very essential in our healing.

All our treatments naturally begin with a conversation and takes place with the utmost respect and genuine care for the individual/client, so that the client’s healing process is not forced and his/her boundaries are also fully respected.

Namaste Om

Spiritual Therapists, Mentors & Healers
Filucca Myntte & Rene Hjertelig


DivineSelfCare I/S
Askevænget 15, 1. th, 7100 Vejle, Denmark

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