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  • Kamilla

    Dear Gitte!

    It was an amazing experience and I’d love to write a little about it, since it helped me so much! I would definitely recommend it to everyone I know 😀

    “When I came to you, I didn’t know what kind of work I needed to do, I just knew I needed some help, my emotions were all over the place, I often felt depressed and without any energy.

    Since our sessions, I feel a lot calmer (which was one of my big goals). Never thought that inner child work will be the thing I needed, but you helped me see that I can be my own best friend and my own parent. I feel more joy from the little things in my life. This might not be the same for everyone, but I also need less of what I was calling “maintenance work”, which was all the spiritual work and a LOT of alone time just so I wouldn’t fall apart and have a crying breakdown. I still do work on myself, but now I don’t have to force it, rather it’s fun and I enjoy myself.

    I would recommend hypnotherapy with You to everyone! You held my emotions with so much love and grace, I could be completely open with you, and I felt incredibly safe and understood.

    You helped me find so much self-love and joy, and I can’t wait to see more of who I’m becoming.”

    Much love to you ❀

  • Mie Gabrielle Bolesen

    When you step in with  Gitte and René, you are greeted with the warmth of a huge heart and a beautiful energy of Love.

    For me, it has been a journey into a greater awareness of who I really am, how the energies work and into a greater awareness of my Body Mind and Spirit.

    In many ways which are difficult to explain, Gitte and Rene’s materials and exercises have helped me to release more and more of my ego, especially the exercises which  have been a huge help on my difficult days, they have made time and time again for me and  have been able to help me in  finding my way back home to my Self, home to my Truth in Love, because they help to let go of the ego’s roof.

    RenĂ© and Gitte’s energies must be experienced, it is so powerful, so healing and cleansing that I met with a whole new version of myself and with an awareness that I wouldnt have experienced without them.

    Plus, the material and the exercises you get help to keep you on the right path towards the Soul, more Spirit, an awareness that must be experienced if you want to know who you really are.

    Namaste Om

  • Flemming Bendtsen

    When you are with Gitte and René, you feel super comfortable, and not because they are trying to do something about it, they are just like that.

    The paths they show you, and the tools they have in the toolbox, have had a wild effect on me and my life, they have made me see things I have never seen before, they have made me feel something that I have never felt before, they have given me a sense of calm in the body that I did not think possible, I thought I had peace in the body and knew myself, but I just had to realize that I did not at all.

    But they come with the tools, so you have to make an effort yourself, but then the results also just come with the currents, and then you just have to accept and be open to what is to come, and be true to yourself.

    My Warmest Recommendations

  • Tove Damgaard

    Travelling into oneself is one of the most beautiful experiences.
    I experienced being guided in a nice and gentle way while feeling like a brave warrior and a small child.
    Ohh this feeling of letting go of yourself is eternally intoxicating. I can warmly recommend Gitte & René to help you to get free in a whole new way.
    Here you feel safe and “taken care of” as you go through the finest transformation into becoming your true Self: pure being.
    Many greetings

    Tove Damgaard

  • Keanu Firestorm

    If you are considering investing in yourself, then do yourself a favor and choose DivineSelfCare.

    You will not be disappointed, they deliver a really high level of healing, wisdom and Love few can match!

  • David Mick TĂžllĂžse

    Rene (behandleren) mĂžder mig hvor jeg er – ankommer uden at have lĂŠst pĂ„ lektien (kan ikke anbefales) men RenĂ©, giver mig den ekstra tid der skal til for at samle brikkerne. Hvilket er meget dynamisk og for mig, et SOLIDT tegn pĂ„ at vedkommende praktisere hvad vedkommende prĂŠdiker.

    Der bliver igennem Renes grobund for materiale – spejlet, indvielsen og gjort ved – manden er utrĂŠttelig og gĂ„r hele vejen med mig og gerne lĂŠngere. Han fornemmer straks at mit behov er nĂ„et – og igen, dynamisk som denne gode sjĂŠl er – ĂŠndre han situationen via sin fornemmelse – og jeg mĂ„ pĂ„ briksen og have gang i en lyd healing, som rene ogsĂ„ udfĂžrer (med Gitte inden over – som ydermere energetisk balancering)


    Og Resten af indlevelsen kan jeg kun opfordre DIG (lĂŠser) til at DU undersĂžger selv – er du nysgerrig pĂ„ at komme ind til din egen kerne, den, der observere bagom dit sanse apparatur – men ikke kan se vejen dertil selv endnu – Er du her i gode hĂŠnder.

    DERFOR, giver jeg DivineSelfCare 5/5 samt et stort tak til i to smukke sjéle for gþre den smukkeste indsats ♡

    Gitte & RenĂ© lĂŠnge leve – HU RA

  • Anica Rachel Toulouse

    I have been on the spiritual path for many years but only commited myself to heal in depth with determined willingness to meet with My True Self for the past 3 years. Along the way, I had the privilege to meet with RenĂ© who became a dear friend and a spiritual mentor. During this time, I was blessed to experience the beginning of my kundalini awakening through our connection and deep inner child healing. RenĂ© has got not only an extensive spiritual knowledge but also holds a deep and genuine knowingness and beingness of the true Self, he carries the energy of the real essence of the Heart and powerful Truth. Subsequently, I was further blessed to have met with the pure yet powerful loving energy of Gitte and started to embark on this incredible journey with the pair of them at DivineSelfCare for deeper and greater awareness of Self, releasing of old traumas and deep wounds. Gitte has a real natural nuturing healing love feminine energy combined with the wisdom truth and love of Rene, they make a perfect team and balanced synergy with real empathy and compassion to assist and guide you in looking into all aspects of the challenges you encounter. Being in their presence and loving energies is to be in the presence of pure Love itself. They both carry the kundalini energy in the most glorious, powerful and loving way. For me what makes a powerful healer is his/her capacity to love from the true essence of the Heart and help to heal from that space, and I can assure you that Gitte and Rene are the perfect definition of this with their healing and soothing Love energy at Zero point. They meet you where you are, explain in accessible way complex spiritual concepts at times and are fully engaged and invested with undivided attention focus and Love with you all the way.. before, during and after the healing sessions. They provide very helpful tools and exercises to practice which help tremendeously to keep your inner peace, to hold your Truth, your Light and Love essence throughout your day to day living and get further should you wish so to higher level of consciouness. I can honestly say that I would not have been able to reach this state of consciousness of the Self without the beautiful gift of their Love, healing and guidance and I am truly excited for the next chapter … If you are deterrmined to live as a free soul anchored in your Truth, pure Love, peaceful and blissful heart based life as Your true Beautiful Self, Rene and Gitte s teachings, tools and healing are just made for you.

    With Infinite Love & Deep Gratitude

Spiritual Therapists, Mentors & Healers
Filucca Myntte & Rene Hjertelig


DivineSelfCare I/S
AskevĂŠnget 15, 1. th, 7100 Vejle, Denmark

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